If you are shopping for a golf cart you have come to the right place! Here are a few things to keep in mind and think about when deciding what kind of cart to get!

Where are you going to be using your golf cart? 

-On the golf course

-Retirement community

-Neighborhood use

-Campgrounds or Recreational use

-Second home or Vacation Use

-Resort/Hotel use

-Indoors for example an airport or event venue

-Driving across a large campus that’s too far to walk

Depending on how you answered, we can help you decide whether or not an electric or gas cart is right for you! Gas carts are great for grounds keeping, maintenance vehicles, and off road use. The only time we recommend gas is when the cart is going to be run non stop for hours on end. Electric carts are great for things like country clubs,neighborhood use, and vacation homes. The new technology in lithium batteries allows carts to be driven twice as long as the standard electric cart. 

How many seats do you need?


-Less seats, more storage

-More seats, less storage

-Flat beds

-Locking trunk

We have them all! Whether you need to carry passengers, cargo, or both…we can help you design or choose the best option for you!

What are your needs, priorities, and budget?

-Do you need it street legal?

-Do you have a budget?

-Do you have garage height requirements?

-Do you want a maintenance free cart or do you have a little time to maintain it?

-Are you looking for the best bang for your buck?

If your answer to any of these questions is I just want something cheap, know that there are a lot of factors that go into determining a cart's cost, including the year, model, manufacturer, warranties, engine type, and accessories. The upfront costs for a new or refurbished cart will be higher than a used cart, however you must also take into account the potential costs you may incur during ownership. New and used golf carts come with advantages and disadvantages!

There isn’t one specific cart that is the best or I would recommend every customer to buy. Consider your budget, your primary use, and personal preferences and we can help you find the right fit for you. Ready to buy new or used? Check out our inventory here to see what is in our showroom today!